Our aim as an Australian owned small business is to make the most resilient and most environmentally friendly foam in Australia. The first Enviro-foam™ factory was opened in 1988 and the Queensland factory has been going strong for over 20 years. The Enviro-foam branding was brought about by the way our foam was originally made being the first company at the time to produce flexible polyurethane foam without the use of fluorocarbon.
Today all Natritex Group products are manufactured using Active Seal™ and Super Mix Technologies™. Tests have shown virtually no emissions from our foam manufacturing process making the Natritex Group one of the most environmentally friendly foam and mattress manufacturers.
All foam is made using the world’s best environmental practice in foam making. We do not add any extra fillers or extenders into our foam – No Solvents, No CFC’s, No Fillers, No Methylene Chloride and No added carbon dioxide. All foam is produced locally on-site at our Clontarf factory on the north side of Brisbane.